Understanding packaging symbols
Packaging symbols are used to notify the reader of the attached product or box. They are used to represent various instructions such as storage, delivery, handling and the contents. Some of the symbols may be straightforward to understand, and others may be a little harder. The way they communicate these instructions is through symbols, usually stickers or printed visuals on the packaging.
Around the world, groups like the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and other regulatory bodies create guidelines for packaging symbols. These rules help everyone—manufacturers, sellers, and buyers—understand what the symbols mean, no matter where they live.
These symbols are useful for businesses as well as for customers. They promptly provide consumers with crucial information about items, such as safety ratings and recycling instructions. This supports people in making better decisions, particularly about safety and the environment.
It is simpler to sell internationally and comply with regulations in various countries when package symbols adhere to international standards. Given the circumstances, these symbols safeguard people, aid in decision-making, and provide businesses a more respectable appearance.
When handling goods, it is important to let people know how the contents should be handled and to make the handler more aware of how the contents are, which is why symbols on packaging are used. The fragile symbol for packaging usually shows a wine glass and the word “FRAGILE.” It tells handlers to be careful because the contents can break easily, helping to ensure the items arrive safely.
Packaging Symbols That Protect Contents
Fragile Symbol

Keep Dry Symbol
The keep dry symbol on the packaging shows an umbrella with rain which means the package should stay away from water. It is important because it protects items that can be damaged by moisture.
Handle With Care Symbol
The handle with care symbol on the packaging shows two hands holding a box. It is used to let people who handle the package be gentle, helping prevent damage to fragile or sensitive items during transport and handling.
This Way Up Symbol
This way-up symbol on packaging is highlighted with two arrows pointing up above a line. It indicates the correct upright position, preventing items from being damaged by being upside down or on its side.
Do Not Open With Knife Symbol
The do not open with knife symbol shows a knife with a cross or a line through it. It is used to warn openers against using sharp objects when opening the packaging to avoid damaging the contents and preventing injuries.
Do Not Place Near Magnets Symbol
The do not place near magnets symbol has a magnet with a cross or a line through it. It warns against putting the package near magnets to avoid damage or interference with electronics.
Do Not Drop
The symbol for do not drop is a crashing box with a cross or a line through it. This symbol is used to encourage the handler to not drop it as it can easily damage the contents.

Temperature Sensitive
This symbol is a thermometer with a line through it, and it is used to let the handler or recipient of the package know that it is temperature-sensitive. This means the contents could be something that could melt, or become ineffective with certain temperatures, such as medicine.

Avoid Direct Sunlight
The “avoid direct sunlight” symbol has packaging covered from the sun. It means keeping the package away from direct sunlight to prevent damage from heat or UV rays, which could interfere with the contents.

Packaging symbols for instructions on handling
Stacking Height
The stacking height symbol shows horizontal lines with a number, indicating how many packages can be safely stacked. It helps handlers know the maximum safe stacking limit to prevent damage or collapse during storage and transport.

Do Not Stack Symbol
The do not stack symbol is usually shown by two boxes on top of each other with a line slashed through it, to indicate not to stack the packaging. This product packaging symbol is used to keep contents of a package safe, especially since it may be fragile, and to avoid any structural integrity issues.

Package Weight Symbol
The packaging weight symbol shows a scale/weight icon with a number, indicating the maximum weight allowed to give the handler the correct weight information. It helps handlers avoid overloading, ensuring safe storage and transport.

2-Person Lift Symbol
The 2-person lift symbol is shown by two people trying to lift one package, this is a handling symbol to allow the handler to know that it needs two people to lift the package. This is used to avoid any injuries to the handlers, as well as to keep the package safe from damage.

Heavy Symbol
The heavy packaging symbol is shown by a person picking up a package with strain on their back. This packaging symbol is used to let the handler know that the contents are heavy and may need to be picked up using the proper procedure and with care.

Lift Using Trolley Symbol
The lift using a trolley symbol is indicated by a trolley or sack truck, and it is used to let the handlers know they will need to use a trolley or sack truck to carry the packaging. This keeps the handlers safe, as well as the contents in the packaging.

Do Not Use Hook To Lift Symbol
They do not use hook to lift symbol typically displays a hook with a line or a cross through it. It advises against lifting the package with a hook. This is important to prevent damage to the packaging or its contents and to ensure safe handling practices, as a hook may not be able to support the weight of the package.
Do Not Use Sack Truck
Similar to the lift using trolley or sack truck symbol, this packaging symbol shows a sack truck or trolley with a cross next to it. This is to tell the handlers not to use a sack truck or trolley to move the packaging. This is crucial to prevent damage to the package or its contents and to ensure safe handling.
Do Not Use Forklift
The do not use forklift symbol was created to prevent potential damage to the package or its contents, ensuring a safe handling practice and that the handlers also remain safe. It is shown by a symbol of a forklift with a line or a cross through it, to advise against using a forklift to handle the package.
Recycling packaging symbols
Recyclable Symbol
There are also recycling symbols for packaging, with one being the recyclable symbol which is shown featuring three arrows that form a triangle, chasing one another in a loop. This is to indicate that the material of the packaging is recyclable, and it encourages recyclable practices.
Tidyman Symbol
The tidy man symbol is portrayed by a figure dropping litter into a bin or waste container and it is used to remind people to dispose of the waste properly. This symbol helps to encourage cleanliness, the correct environmental practice and responsible behaviour.
FSC Approved Symbol
The FSC-approved symbol has a checkmark in a tree outline. It means the packaging material is from responsibly managed forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). This promotes sustainable forestry and protects communities’ rights.
Recyclable Cardboard Symbol
The recyclable cardboard symbol, often with a recycling arrow, indicates that the cardboard packaging can be recycled. It encourages environmental sustainability by promoting recycling practices and reducing waste.
Health and safety packaging symbols
Food Safe
The food-safe symbol shows a glass and fork, which is to symbolise that the packaging is safe for storing food. This assures consumers that the packaging meets safety standards for food contact, keeping food quality and safety intact.
CE Marking
The CE marking symbol shows that a product meets safety and environmental standards in the European Union. It assures consumers that the product is safe and legally compliant for sale in the EU.
Flammable Symbol
The flammable symbol is shown by a flame, and it is used to warn that the contents of the package are combustible and can easily catch fire. This is a crucial safety symbol which helps handlers be altered to the dangers to prevent any accidents.
Caution Symbol
The caution symbol has a triangle with an exclamation mark inside of it. It is used to warn handlers of possible dangers and reminds people to be careful. This symbol helps to keep people safe and alert to what may be contained in packaging.
Labels for businesses
Packaging labels are vital for businesses, providing crucial product information and building consumer trust. They differentiate brands, ensure regulatory compliance, and convey quality.
In addition to packaging labels, businesses use shipping, product, printed, barcode, and safety labels to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. Utilising these labelling tools effectively, such as using integrated labels to fit more information into one document, helps businesses to stay efficient and thrive in a competitive market while fostering consumer trust and operational excellence.
Packaging Symbols Conclusion
It’s essential to understand packaging symbols to manage and store products safely. These symbols enable safe practices for organisations, handlers and customers by providing crucial instructions through visually recognisable graphics.
Packaging symbols guarantee consistency and clarity according to established international standards, enabling customers to make informed choices and improving environmental sustainability.
Businesses build trust and safe practices by upholding these symbols, which show their dedication to customer and employee safety and responsibility. In general, packaging symbols are essential to improving environmental sustainability, efficiency, and safety throughout the world’s supply chains.
If you’re looking for efficient and effective labelling solutions for your business, contact us today at Labels Zoo where we specialise in professional label printing solutions.
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